Baby time! I'm so thrilled to have snuck in and done this little shoot just in time for their little guy to arrive the next day - definitely the eleventh hour but this way he'll have proof that even though he's the second child, he's loved just as much ;)
Alex and Eric have been friends of mine since high school & before and I'm so thankful to have such great friends over the years. Also quite glad they never moved too far away so we can actually visit and they let me follow them around with a camera once in a while!
Their little lady also got her turn in front of the camera and we brought her new favourite chair outside for some shots. I had a little blue one just like it when I was little and she's so in love with hers - adorable.
She's also pretty in love with her new little brother :)
(And really how could you not be!?) Plus, he's joining a completely awesome crew.
Thanks for such a fun day with all three (four) of you! I had a blast and can't wait for you to see all your photos & take more with the newest babe in the house too!
Much Love,